Phuket Weather

30th August - another wet one here in Phuket

Possibly the wettest morning of the year? I delayed my ride to work until there was light drizzle only, but this was on the east side of the hill. As I came over the top, passing the Chinese Shrine, the normal view was completely gone and the wind and rain did lash down on the poor people on their bikes. A very wet morning indeed. But its amazing how dry a 20 Baht plastic poncho can keep you!

It got better of course and by lunchtime was dry and, well not bright exactly but at least not raining. Winds were light if that's any consolation, which tends to mean people don't get seasick on dive trips, just wet.

Quote of the day:

"Bad weather always looks worse through a window"
(No idea who said that, but I have found it to be true. Once you're in it, it's never so bad)

30th August - another wet one here in Phuket  |  The Phuket Weather Blog

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