Phuket Weather

The Silicon chip inside my head gets switched to overload

Yes, it's Monday again. Not that I don't like Mondays, but Sunday - being a day off - is always relaxing and gives me a day with the family. Then in common I'm sure with half the world, it takes half of Monday to get back into work mode.

Yesterday WAS a sunny day, and we took full advantage of the sun by doing very little except eating and doing some gardening, playing with the kids and a quick visit to the Bangkok Phuket hospital to see a new baby boy, born to friends of ours on Saturday. Good coffee in the cafe at the hospital!

Monday has been warm and sunny too, winds are light, rather humid.

Today's sunny quote:

"The Sun, the hearth of affection and life, pours burning love on the delighted earth"
(Arthur Rimbaud)

The Silicon chip inside my head gets switched to overload  |  The Phuket Weather Blog

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