Phuket Weather

A slice of Paradise

Yesterday's weather was indeed fabulous, and despite my Man Cold, I joined the family and a few friends for lunch at The Beach Bar, one of our favourite little hangouts, a small friendly restaurant right on the beach on the west side of Cape Panwa. We go quite often. The kids can play safely, and when it's high tide you can swim (at low tide it's too rocky). I don't know how many more years we'll be able to find places like this in Phuket, the developers are rapidly changing the island especially the coastline. For now, enjoy:

Beach at Cape Panwa. Who says Phuket is overcrowded?

The Beach Bar

Today is equally beautiful, looks like we are back to normal. Weather should be hot and sunny at this time of year in Phuket, no rain, please! And its the time of year when we start to wonder "should we install aircon in the living room?"

World Weather.. My half Aunt Ruth has been living in Madagascar, she married a local guy - she has written all about life in Madagascar on her blog called Vazahagasy. Magagascar has been hit by a cyclone and a tropical storm in the last few weeks with more than 90 people killed and thousands left homeless. As I now have a "half uncle-in-law" and his family living there, my thoughts are with them. My kids love it that Auntie Ruth lives in Madagascar.

A slice of Paradise  |  The Phuket Weather Blog

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