Phuket Weather

Start of the Hot Season

Although we still have a light wind blowing, there's no mistaking the heat. From now until the start of the "low season" (sometime in May), the days will be hot, the sun relentless and the seas warm. This is what I call Phuket's Hot Season. I've been too darn busy to go and take nice photos the last couple of days. This is a very good time of year for diving and we've had a lot of guests heading out to the Similan Islands.

Saturday was my daughters graduation. The kids got to sit in aircon while families watched the proceedings on a giant screen outside. Bizarre enough having a graduation for 6 year old kids. It was a hot day and we all retreated home for some aircon in the afternoon. Dinner (daughters choice) was at Pizza Company in the Tesco Lotus store. The Pepsi refills are a good deal at the end of a hot thirsty day!

I'll see about some pretty photos tomorrow morning. The mornings are clear and blue at this time of year. I'd like to head down to Sapan Hin (the south side of Phuket Town) where the Phuket Food Festival will be held from March 19th - 28th. Must make an effort to visit during the festival too.

Meanwhile, it's quite shocking as a Phuket resident to hear of another tourist being killed - see news in the Phuket Gazette.

And I'd like to add a link here to the Students for a Free Tibet Blog.

Oh, and happy Saint Patrick's Day.

Start of the Hot Season  |  The Phuket Weather Blog

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