Phuket Weather

Beautiful Low Season Weather in Phuket

Now this is more like it! As predicted on Wednesday, the wet and windy weather that we normally get right at the start of the low season has now gone. Yesterday was pretty nice, but we couldn't get out and enjoy it, as my daughter chose yesterday to get sick. She's not been sick for about 2 years! I had to go and pick her up from school in the morning. She told me she'd vomited on another kid's shoe. Too much information for you? Sorry. Anyway, she's better now. Kids have amazing powers of recovery.

Today we had to take it easy, no long day out with a sick girl... We did manage a little drive to Kamala Beach in the afternoon. We used to go there more often as we had friends there, but they all moved to Kathu (same area we live in). Kamala is just north of Patong beach, but is totally different. Very quiet. And now, in low season, very quiet! We walked along a section of beach where a friend used to live and some friends of his have a small hotel (Maphrao Resort) - it was closed, as was just about everything. I saw about 6 tourists on the beach, a couple of restaurants open, that was it. The beach was strewn with what can politely be described as "flotsam", brought ashore by all the wind and waves we've been having since Cyclone Nargis.

A few photos from Kamala Beach this afternoon.

Closed up beach bar, Kamala Beach, 17th May 2008

Folded beach umbrellas, Kamala Beach, 17th May 2008 Open beach bar, but no customers, Kamala Beach, 17th May 2008

Kamala Beach does have a strange hold on us, though. We were sitting on the beach on December 25th 2004, with my wife 9 months pregnant, our 2 year old daughter playing on the beach with some friends kids. The next day was the tsunami - see here for some of my thoughts about that.

Here's a couple more photos taken today from Kalim (just north of Patong, before heading over the hill to Kamala)...

View from Kalim to Patong, 17th May 2008

View from Kalim to TriTrang beach, 17th May 2008

Beautiful Low Season Weather in Phuket  |  The Phuket Weather Blog

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