Phuket Weather

May in Phuket - May be sunny, May be wet!

Monday was Visakha Bucha Day aka Vesak - which basically means the Buddha's Birthday. I think if we'd planned better we might have joined the candle procession at the Big Buddha in Phuket. On this day in the evening, people take part in candle-lit processions and walk around the main chapel of their temple three times. I must be more organised and do it next year! We did take a drive up Buddha Mountain for some fresh air and views around sunset. I always love it up there.

Big Buddha in the sunshine, 19th May

Tuesday and Wednesday had some rain, but only brief showers. Nothing to spoil your day. Today has been pretty sunny, no rain, some cloud and quite "muggy" (hot and sweaty). I have extended my holiday for a few more days. Went for lunch, just me and my wife (enjoying the opportunity now we have 2 kids at school), at Pak Nam Seafood, north of Phuket Town - darn good food - we'll be back!

After lunch I forced my wife to let me pay a fleeting visit to a temple I had not stopped at before - Wat Kosit Wiharn. This temple is just north of Phuket town and has a large cemetary. It's a real local temple, looks like it's been there forever. I might pay another visit one day. I have this vague plan to blog all Phuket Temples...

Wat Kosit Viharn

Forecast for the next few days....same. Lots of sun, light winds, typical low season weather :) yes, you might get the odd shower, but really, seriously, there is never a bad time to be in Phuket.

May in Phuket - May be sunny, May be wet!  |  The Phuket Weather Blog

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