Phuket Weather

Picture Perfect Weather in Phuket

OK, so we have a new PM - Abhisit Vejjajiva - born in England (in fact, he's a canny Geordie), went to Eton and Oxford.. I have a certain hope that this guy can bring Thailand back together. It will help if he makes it clear that everyone has a voice, unlike the PAD clan who said that people in the North of Thailand were too stupid to vote (I am paraphrasing but that's what they think). Democracy means everyone has a right to vote and to speak.

All that seems a million miles from Phuket. The weather continues to be somewhat perfect. I took a walk on Kata Beach this morning. Perfect.

Kata Beach Phuket 18th December 2008

The tourist numbers are certainly down due to the PAD (thanks, guys). A week before Christmas and there are offers flying around, last minute hotel prices, Air Asia is giving away free flights, there seems to be a general "Pleeaaase come to Thailand!" promotion. And .. if you look at the photo above, can you think of a reason why not to come? Things are just about perfect.

Picture Perfect Weather in Phuket  |  The Phuket Weather Blog

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